Recette: Savoureux Mug cake au chocolat healthy

Mug cake au chocolat healthy. In a small microwave safe bowl combine protein powder, cocoa powder, coconut flour, and baking powder. In a separate bowl whisk together egg and almond milk. Mix in the wet mixture with dry ingredients.

Mug cake au chocolat healthy Spray a microwave-safe mug or dish (I used two small dishes so I could make one for my preschooler!) with non-stick oil. Home » Recipes » Dessert » Healthy Chocolate Mug Cake. It contains no eggs and a mere ¼ teaspoon of butter (or coconut oil!). Vous pouvez cuisiner Mug cake au chocolat healthy utilisant 7 Ingrédients et 3 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Mug cake au chocolat healthy

  1. C'est 3 of cas de farine.
  2. C'est 1 of cas de cacao.
  3. Préparer 2 of oeufs.
  4. C'est 1 of cac de beurre de cacahuète.
  5. C'est 75 g of lait végétal.
  6. Préparer 20 g of sucre.
  7. Préparer 1 of pincée de levure.

To make this healthier mug cake as chocolaty as possible, you'll use equal parts flour and cocoa powder. The recipe calls for whole wheat pastry flour because it has all of the same health benefits as regular whole wheat flour, but it has a lighter and more tender texture closer to that of all-purpose. A chocolate mug cake is a simple recipe for chocolate cake that's cooked in a mug, in the microwave. No electric mixer needed, just a mug and a small spoon, rubber scraper or whisk.

Mug cake au chocolat healthy instructions de recette

  1. Dans un saladier mélanger tous les ingrédients à poudre.
  2. Ajouter 2 œufs et mélanger à nouveau. Incorporer le beurre de cacahuète. Puis ajouter le lait et mélanger..
  3. Ajouter le tout dans un mug et cure au micro ondes pendant 3 minutes.

I allow a couple minutes for cooling, then you're free to sprinkle with powdered sugar and dig in! Un vidéo pour un mug cake au chocolat santé et plaisir !. La recette par CUISINE EN FOLIE. In a large mug, mix together dry ingredients - flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder. Add applesauce, skim milk, and vanilla to the mug and mix well.


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